25 April 2012

Time flies.

Wow. I logged into blogger for the first time in donkey years and blogger has changed so much! I haven't read my blogs for a really long time, let alone post on it.

That aside, I know my boyfriend does'nt know about my blogs. I don't think he remembers my tumblr either and I needed to find an avenue to rant my frustrations about him on and I figured this would be a perfect place to.

Why do I need to rant about him? Because its been 5 hours and he hasn't texted me back at all. I know its selfish and stupid to be angered over that but I still am. Our usual routine would be that he would wake up @ 630 am and text me or I would text him to wake him up. Then throughout the morning while he crawls out of bed and get himself dressed and text me while he does everything. You see, he and I are surviving a long distance relationship and thanks t the invention of 3G technology and Mark Suckerberg (yes, I know what I said)I have wifi on the go to text him and he text me. Apparently, this morning was different.

630 sharp his time, i texted him to wake him up but he did not reply me. So I thought "Okay, the guy might wants to sleep a little more." Hence, I did not continue texting him until I realized he was going to be late. What did I get for spam texting him, nothing. Worry gripped me and I thought the worst. It led to denial then anger that he didn't reply me.

Sigh. I should finish up on my college notes and go to bed. It might be all better in the morning.

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